
聴くと10分以内に眠くなる音楽が話題 [音楽]


♫♫♫ Easy Sleep Music on iTunes:

EasySleepMusic is the home to some of the best sleep, concentration music and relaxing music. Its Part of the EasySleepMusic network.

Our Network as makes music effective sleep music, baby sleep music, dog music, meditation music and study music. We also make healing music and Spa Music.

We create music which is specially designed and encourage brain function and focus so you are in a state of meditation and concentration while working on hard tasks. We also use binaural beats (alpha waves and theta waves and delta waves) to naturally encourage a state of relaxation, which is perfect for concentration, meditation or deep sleep. Our playlists use light and calming sounds including nature sounds to as well as nature pictures and nature videos to help with daily meditation, concentration and relaxation.

♫ White Noise and Binaural Beats:

Some of the Music on our network uses White Noise and Binaural Beats to help you sleep by calming you down before bed.

♫ Sleep Music / Sleeping Music:

EasySleepMusic has music designed for deep sleep to help with sleeping problems or insomnia. Our soft slow soothing music mixed with nature sounds helps with baby sleeping problems all the way to adults. We also have lullaby for babies on our babysleepdreams channel. Our dreamy landscape pictures combined with classical instrumental music moves tour body and mind into a state of relaxation and concentration. Our Sleep Music is also used as meditation music to help the mind be free. Our soothing instrumental sounds and nature sounds help move your brain through theta, delta, and alpha waves, giving you the clear mind for a healing sleep to soothe you off.

EasySleepMusic has helped all types of people, if you are a mother wanting to help your baby sleep or toddler sleep or if you are a teenager or adult with ADHD. Our soothing music helps with sleeping problems. If you are a mature adult or senior citizen we can help you with your sleeping problems and insomnia as we continue to learn and develop more music tailored towards you.

♫ Relaxing / Relaxation, Meditation, Healing and Stress Relief Music:

Our Relaxing Records channel is inspired by Deekpak Chopra Meditation, Russell Simmons Meditation. We are also inspired by Buddhist meditation, Zen meditation, mindfulness meditation and Eckhart Tolle meditation. Combined by this inspiration we believe we have created music that will help all type of people experience deep meditation. We aim to clear the mind and open the third eye that’s why we also take our inspiration from the great monks behind Tibetan Music, Japanese meditation music and Indian meditation music.

♫ Concentration and Study Music to help Focus :

Our Music is designed to help you focus on your studies and hard task so you can clear your mind and focus on achieving results in all tasks. By combing classic music, house music, trance music and nature sounds our channel as a variety to suit all types of people to help you engage into a complete state of focus. Use our music to concentrate to ;).

♫ Relaxing Massage and Spa Music:

Our music is designed to help you unwind and untangle from a hard days works. Our light nature sounds and instrumental music combined with rain sounds and light piano music help you get into a deep state of relaxation.

♫ Yoga Music:

If you’re a beginner or expert we can help you into complete focus as our calming music is inspired by African music and Indian music and yoga chants.

Check out our other channels:

E-girls / Merry × Merry Xmas★ [音楽]

E-girlsの15枚目のシングル「Merry × Merry Xmas★」は、


E-girls 15thシングル「Merry × Merry Xmas★」

Superfly『Beautiful』Music Video [音楽]

Warner Music Japan

『Beautiful』は5月27日リリースの5th Album『WHITE』に収録される楽曲で、TBS系 火曜ドラマ『マザー・ゲーム~彼女たちの階級~』主題歌。
自分自身を肯定するポジティブな楽曲に仕上がっている。Music Veideoの監督は『愛をこめて花束を』『Wildflower』などを手掛けた番­場秀一氏。

ゲスの極み乙女。 - オトナチック [音楽]

ゲスの極み乙女。Official YouTube Channel

ゲスの極み乙女。両A面 4thシングル「オトナチック/無垢な季節」より
「オトナチック」(NTTドコモ dヒッツpowered by レコチョク CMソング)MV解禁!

BUMP OF CHICKEN「コロニー」 [音楽]


「コロニー」は映画「寄生獣 完結編」主題歌として書き下ろされたナンバーで、MVは映画「寄生獣」主題歌「パレー­ド」のMV同様に、山崎貴氏と八木竜一氏によるタッグで制作。映画 「STAND BY ME ドラえもん」で第38回日本アカデミー賞最優秀アニメーション作品賞を受賞したコンビ­が、再びBUMP OF CHICKENの楽曲を彩る映像世界を作り上げました。

MVでは、「コロニー」をバックに演奏するメンバー4人と、荒涼とした大地を歩く巨人­の姿が描かれます。世界最高レベルのVFXによって表現された映像とBUMP OF CHICKENの演奏シーンが化学反応を起こしたドラマチックで壮大な内容を、ぜひお­楽しみください。

小林麻耶 Debut Single「ブリカマぶるーす 」Music Video Short Ver. [音楽]


Entame Plex.

タレントの小林麻耶が、『ブリカマぶるーす(CD+DVD)』を2016年1月27日(水)に発売し、歌手デビューすることが発表された。Entame Plex編集部は本楽曲のPVのショートバージョンを入手、公開した。



浜田ばみゅばみゅ - なんでやねんねん [Short ver.] [音楽]

浜田ばみゅばみゅ デビューシングル緊急発売決定!!

浜田ばみゅばみゅ デビューシングル
2015年12月16日 発売

2.なんでやねんねん -remix-
3.なんでやねんねん -instrumental-
